The Nomadic Tech

How it Works

1: How Can We Help?

Get in contact with us and we will schedule a phone call (or email if you prefer!) to go over the details. We are a no pressure type of team – we know you don’t like long sales pitches, and neither do we.

2: Tell Us About Your Vision

We will send you an online form to fill out with all the details we need to get the ball rolling on your project. We will schedule a call with you to go over the project.

3: Dot Your I's

This is where the fun starts! We will put together your scope of work and send you a contract. After it’s filed away, we begin creating you a beautiful site.

4: Create & Deliver

We will begin work! We are all about transparency and communication here. We will keep you updated as the site is being worked on and keep you informed every step of the way!

5: Revisions

We will show you your new site! Before it’s live, you can request revisions and we will collaboration on finishing touches.

6: Launch!

Your new website is live! Celebrate, and watch the magic a beautifully designed and functional website can bring. 

(and if you just can’t get enough of us, we are here to support you all the way through with our monthly maintenance plans)